Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Bedside Manners

My boyfriend and I took a trip to Jamaica in January and they take no less then 1000 pictures of you on the resort if you let them. 

We also signed up for a complementary sunset photo shoot which was so much fun and we got so many great shots. But the question is always what to do with those photos once you get back home?

Remember those end tables we refinished and painted?

Well they were looking a little bare so I decided to take our favorite photo, in the complementary Sandals frame, and pair it along side this beautiful Conch shell I found on one of our walks along the beach. 

Usually tourists or beach wanderers look for perfect shells but this shell really caught my attention because, although it is what some would consider broken and flawed, it shows off the beautiful and complex architecture hides on the inside of one of these shells.

Just two daily reminders of the amazing vacation we took together as well as decor that adds homey qualities to the room.

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